As any Network/Wireless Engineer, we tend to automate more and more actions in order to save time (and money?), so I decided to dig deeper and deeper into Python, but …
What to do with Python?
And that was my biggest concern.. . Not that I didn’t want to learn Python from basics and do that funny boring stuff :
a = "Hello "
b = "World!"
Instead, I really wanted to work on an exciting and useful project to keep me excited with Python.
For a year now, I have a second occupation as Adjunct Lecturer in French University and work with student on Cisco Lab to perform Implementation & Troubleshoot of Wireless config. As each student has its own Pod with a WLC & AP, I wanted to have a single script to perform config backup at the end of each working session.
What this code is actually doing?
- Script should be ran with at least one argument :
- If only one argument is set, we only perform the backup on the specific Pod
- If two argument are set, we perform backup on the range of Pods
- If “all” argument is set, we perform backup on all Pods
- Backup is basically taken via the execution of command “show run-config commands”
- I’m taking advantage of netmiko library for SSH connection
What could be optimized?
Not being super experience with Python, this script is working like a charm but the next step would be :
- Handle multi-threading to open simulatenous SSH session to multiple devices
- SSH connection to AireOS WLC is always taking a long time …
- Improve management of argument with Try / Except blocks
- Create added value with this script to check some configuration key-points and return a “compliance” level
Script in its earlier version
from netmiko import ConnectHandler
import sys
from datetime import datetime
def backupConfig (min_pod,max_pod):
if min_pod == "all":
if max_pod == 0:
max_pod = min_pod
for x in range(int(min_pod), int(max_pod)+1):
print("Connecting to Pod"+str(x)+"...")
with ConnectHandler(ip = "10.20."+str(x)+".10",
port = 22,
username = 'admin',
password = 'C1sco123',
device_type = 'cisco_wlc_ssh') as ch:
print("Backup starting ...")
ch.send_command("config paging disable")
output = ch.send_command("show run-config commands")
today =
d1 = today.strftime("%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M")
f = open("Backup-Session1-Pod"+str(x)+"-"+d1+".txt", "x")
print("Backup file created for Pod"+str(x))
n = len(sys.argv)
if n-1 <= 0:
print("Missing argument")
if str(sys.argv[1]) == "all":
print("## Starting backup on all Pod")
elif n-1 == 1:
print("## Starting backup on Pod"+sys.argv[1])
elif sys.argv[1] > sys.argv[2]:
print("Argument are wrong, please review")
print("## Starting backup from Pod"+sys.argv[1]+" to Pod"+sys.argv[2])
Thanks Francois for your great article that helped me a lot :